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Shanghai Competitive Intelligence Forum (SCIF)

竞争情报上海论坛是由上海图书馆(上海科学技术情报研究所)主办的国际会议,是中国竞争情报界最国际化、最重要的专业交流平台之一。论坛自 2003年开办以来,吸引了来自美国、法国、日本、英国、印度、中国等国家和地区的多位国内外竞争情报专家和行业专家探讨竞争情报的最新实践,现已成为上海科学技术情报研究所的一个品牌。

Shanghai Competitive Intelligence Forum (SCIF) is organized by Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai). The conference is an international competitive intelligence community and the most important professional communication platform in China. Since 2003, SCIF attracted participants from the United States, France, Japan, United Kingdom, India, China and other regions. A number of competitive intelligence specialists and industry experts came to the forum to discuss the latest competitive intelligence practice. Now, SCIF has become a brand of Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai.


Shanghai Society for Scientific & Technical Information


Founded in March 1979, Shanghai Society for Scientific & Technical Information is an academic mass organization for Shanghai Scientific and Technical Information professionals. The Society, which has an independent legal personality, is affiliated to Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai. The society has several honors like National Advanced Institute, Shanghai Science Association Four-star Society, Shanghai Science Association Technology Assessment Agency and Shanghai Finance Expenditure Performance Evaluation Third Party.


Competitive Intelligence Magazine


Competitive Intelligence magazine is supervised by Shanghai Library(Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai)and run by Shanghai Scientific & Technological Literature Publishing House. The magazine was launched in 2004 and has become a public issue since 2015. The magazine was included as "Chinese Core Journals of Science and Technology" in 2020. Its aim is to build a communication platform for the industry. The journal primarily covers: CI theories and new methods, competition research of countries & regions, enterprise CI best practices and case study, competitive technology intelligence research, industry / market analysis, CI products and services, etc.

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